How to fix the NTLDR missing problem

Posted: March 14, 2011 in Windows

You might have faced the issue Windows showing up a black screen saying

NTLDR is missing

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart


Reason: HDD Cable loose contact

Corrupted NTLDR or file

Corrupted boot.ini file


Fix: Reseat the HDD cable

Fix the Boot.ini file your MBR repair disc

Insert your Windows Installation disk to the drive and restart the PC

When prompted to press any key to boot from the CD, press any key.

Once the Windows XP setup menu appears, press the “R” key to repair Windows.


Choose your windows partition by pressing 1 and hit Enter (Generally it is 1. But you have Multiple OS on your PC, this varies)

You will be then prompted for your administrator password, enter the password.


Copy the the NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM files from your Windows Installation disk though the Recovery Console. Here in this example, My Computer’s drive letter is F and OS partition is C

so in order to copy the mentioned files, i type  the command below and press Enter

copy F:\i386\ntldr c:\

to copy, type the below command and press Enter
copy F:\i386\ c:\



Once the the files are copied, take off the Windows Installation disc and  type: EXIT and press enter to restart the PC

  1. Anonymous says:

    cool Dude!

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