Helping Hands Igbo has been Released!

Posted: March 21, 2011 in Keyboards

Good News! Helping Hands Igbo has been released! The new version comes with a built-in keyboard layout for your learning convenience.


Vowels: a e i ị o ọ u ụ

Consonants: b ch d f g gb gh gw h j k kp kw l m n ṅ nw ny p r s sh t v w y z

Alphabets new

Helping Hands Igbo can be downloaded by clicking Here!

Credits goes to my friend, Ben Ajuluchukwu, who helped with the symbols


1. What is Helping Hands Igbo?

Ans: Helping Hands Igbo is a Inkey Software Compatible keyboard created for Igbo Language, Nigeria. With Inkey Software and Helping Hands Igbo, people can type documents in Igbo Language.

4. What is Inkey?

Ans: InKey is a keyboard mapping solution that allows users to enter characters in languages and scripts that are not adequately supported by the operating system using a standard keyboard.

3. Where can I get Inkeysoftware?

Ans: Inkeysoftware site is under upgradation. Contact Helping Hands, to get Inkey Software.

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