Archive for the ‘Keyboards’ Category

Good News! Helping Hands Igbo has been released! The new version comes with a built-in keyboard layout for your learning convenience.


Vowels: a e i ị o ọ u ụ

Consonants: b ch d f g gb gh gw h j k kp kw l m n ṅ nw ny p r s sh t v w y z

Alphabets new

Helping Hands Igbo can be downloaded by clicking Here!

Credits goes to my friend, Ben Ajuluchukwu, who helped with the symbols


1. What is Helping Hands Igbo?

Ans: Helping Hands Igbo is a Inkey Software Compatible keyboard created for Igbo Language, Nigeria. With Inkey Software and Helping Hands Igbo, people can type documents in Igbo Language.

4. What is Inkey?

Ans: InKey is a keyboard mapping solution that allows users to enter characters in languages and scripts that are not adequately supported by the operating system using a standard keyboard.

3. Where can I get Inkeysoftware?

Ans: Inkeysoftware site is under upgradation. Contact Helping Hands, to get Inkey Software.

Hi All! It’s a great pleasure for us to announce the release of Helping Hands Malayalam Inkey compatible Keyboard. We’ve kept the key combinations same except for few keys. With Helping Hands Malayalam, you will be able to easily type all the Malayalam letters Properly. The new version comes with a built-in keyboard layout for your learning convenience.

Helping Hands Malayalam

CaptureHelping Hands Malayalam can be downloaded by clicking Here!

Pointing upWe recommend to use Thoolika Traditional Font for better display of the texts.
Pointing upIt is highly recommended to uncheck your present Inkey Malayalam Keyboard before installing Helping Hands Malayalam.

Good News! Helping Hands Yoruba has been released! The new version come with a built-in keyboard layout for First Time Users.

Yoruba Vowels: a e ẹ i o ọ
Yoruba Consonants: b d f g gb h j k l m n p r s ṣ t u w y
Credits goes to my friend, Ben Ajuluchukwu, who helped with the symbols!
1. What is Helping Hands Yoruba?
Ans: Helping Hands Yoruba is a Inkey Software Compatible keyboard created for Yourba Language, Nigeria. With Inkey Software and Helping Hands Yoruba, people can type documents in youruban Language.
4. What is Inkey?
Ans: InKey is a keyboard mapping solution that allows users to enter characters in languages and scripts that are not adequately supported by the operating system using a standard keyboard.

3. Where can I get Inkeysoftware?
Ans: Inkeysoftware site is under upgradation. Contact Helping Hands, to get Inkey Software.

To install Inkey Software on your PC, follow these steps

1. Open InKey Setup (Indic) folder


2. Right Click the InKey Setup file and choose Run as Administrator


3. Proceed with Installation by clicking Next button.


4. Accept the License Agreement and proceed with the Installation


5. At the “Select Additional Tasks” screen, check the option: Create a Desktop Icon and click next


6. Now click Install button and wait the installation to finish.


7. Clicking finish button will launch Inkey and you will be presented with the following screen.


8. Click Ok button and choose the Keyboard you require.


9. Now click on the Inkey Options tab and check the options:

Start with Windows

Disable Startup Splash Screen (Optional)



10. Click Ok and you will see the Inkey Icon on the Taskbar, if the Installation is Successful.



Good News! Helping Hands Balangao 7.0 has been released. The new version of this Inkey compatible keyboard has a built-in keyboard layout for brand-new users. Version 7.0 has fixed the bug which caused printing  the character: ` while switching keyboards.


Helping Hands Balangao 7.0


Helping Hands Balangao can be downloaded by following:

or write to Helping Hands