Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category

It is possible to  schedule a time for your Ubuntu PC to go off. For this you can type a simple command at the terminal window

sudo shutdown –h +m

(Replace the m with your desired minutes for the computer to go off)

You will be prompted to enter the password. Type in the password and press enter


If you want to cancel the scheduled shutdown, the command is: sudo shutdown –c

Terminal will ask you for the sudo password. type the password and press enter

(Try the sudo shutdown –c command in a new terminal for proper result)


To get the serial Number of your PC from the terminal window, type this command:

sudo dmidecode –s system-serial-number  and press enter

Terminal will ask you for the sudo password. Enter it and your Computer’s Serial Number will be displayed.

17-03-2011 AM 12-35-38

User Accounts can be created and password protected from terminal. This can be accomplished by typing two commands.

To create a user account type the following command:

sudo useradd –d /home/Andes_Noraa –m Andes_Noraa

In this example,  the Username and Account folder name is:  Andes Noraa

(You can give a different one)1

To add password for your account, type in: sudo passwd Andes_Noraa  and press enter

Terminal will ask you to type a new password and after that to re-enter


That’s it! The User Account has been created and Password Protected now.


The command for deleting user account through terminal is: sudo userdel

16-03-2011 PM 08-01-43

You will be asked to enter the sudo password before triggering deletion.

Changing Your User Account password from Terminal is simple

For this, Open Terminal Window


In terminal, type: passwd and press Enter


When terminal prompts you for the current password, type in your Current password and press Enter


Next prompt from the terminal will be for your new password. Retype the new password and press enter.

That’s it. Next time you will be able to login with your updated password.

Become a Professional in Ubuntu!

Posted: March 11, 2011 in Linux

Hey Do you want to become a professional in Ubuntu? Want to get Certified?

I know many friends who are Interesed in Ubuntu OS. So this link will be a good freebie stuff for them.


How to capture screenshots in Ubuntu Linux

Posted: February 11, 2011 in Linux

You can take screenshot in Ubuntu by using the built-in tool called Screenshot tool

From Applications got to Accessories and choose Take Screenshot



Screenshot tool allows you to capture the screen in three ways, Grab the Whole desktop, Grab the Current Window, and Grab the selected area.  Choose your desired option and click Take Screenshot.