Archive for the ‘Windows’ Category

Note: Autorun.inf files are usually used to automate process. But in
some cases it could be a virus which is automated by the help of the
autorun.inf file. In that case there are two different ways to resolve the

DOS Mode file deletion
C:\>attrib -S -H -R C:\autorun.inf
C:\>del /F C:\autorun.inf

Replace C with your drive letter from which the autorun.inf file is to be removed.

1. Download the font by following this link:

2. Save it on the Desktop (or to your convenient location)


3. From the Desktop (the Location where you saved the font), Right Click and choose Install


4. Open a Word Document and choose the font as: Rupee Foradian


5. Now press the Grave accent symbol on your keyboard


6. You will get the ` symbol in the document.

1. Download the font by following this link:

2.  Save it to on the Desktop (or to your convenient location)


3. From the Desktop (the Location where you saved the font), Right Click on the font and choose Copy


4. Go to Run from start menu and type in: fonts


5. Now from presented window, click Edit and choose Paste


6. That’s with font Installation. If you want to try the Rupee Symbol,

7. Open a Word Document and choose the font: Rupee Foradian


8. Now press the Grave accent symbol on your keyboard and you will get the  Rupee symbol.


When SQL Server Setup tries to install MSXML 6.0 SP2, it detects that the version of MSXML 6.0 is already installed on the computer. Therefore, the validation process indicates that the current version of MSXML 6.0 should not be replaced. This stops the installation of both MSXML 6.0 and SQL Server 2005.

To fix his problem, follow these steps:

1. Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from the below link

2. Run the Windows Installer CleanUp utility.

3. Select MSXML6 Service Pack 2 (KB954459) [6.20.1099.0] in the list, and then click Remove.


4. Install SQL Server 2005.

To add a shortcut for Inprivate Browsing Mode on the desktop, follow these steps

1. Right-click on the Desktop, then click on New and choose Shortcut as shown in figure below.


1. Type the Location of the item: “%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore” -private and Click Next.


1. Now type a name for the Shortcut. Herein the figure, I’ve given: “ Internet Explorer Inprivate Mode


1. Click finish, and you will see a new Internet Explorer Shortcut with the name : “Internet Explorer (Inprivate Mode)”


In Command Prompt / Run, type in: psr.exe and press enter

1. In Run, type in: regedit

2. Locate: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background

3. double-click the DWORD key called OEMBackground (If the DWORD Key is not there, create one with the name: OEMBackground) set the value to 1

4. The Background Image that you want to set as Logon Image, should be below 256 KB in size and resolution should be: 1024×768.

5. Locate: C:\Windows\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds

6. If you are not able to locate the folder, try locating: C:\Windows\system32\oobe

7. Create a Folder with the name: info

8. Now Locate: C:\Windows\system32\oobe\info

9. Create a Folder with the name: backgrounds.jpg

10. Now you will be able to Locate: C:\Windows\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds

11. Put the background image here and rename it as: backgroundDefault

12. Restart the Computer and you will see the change in Background.

The Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report is a new feature in Windows 7 which helps to find the energy efficiency of your computer. The Powercfg –energy command outputs the Energy Efficiency Report.

1. Make sure your computer is idle and no programs and documents are opened.

2. Start an elevated command prompt in Windows 7.


3. Type in : Powercfg –energy in Command Prompt and press Enter.


4. Now type in: energy-report.html and press Enter.


5. The Energy Efficiency Report will open in your Web Browser.


Accessing Device Manager from Command Prompt is very easy

type in: devmgmt.msc

Copy to Folder Option allows you to copy files from one location to another immediately.

1. Open the registry editor


2. Locate: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers

3. In the left pane, right click on ContextMenuHandlers and click on New and Key.   

4.Type {C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13} and press Enter.